fredag 25 januari 2008

Fire, fire, fire

Ok, this is gonna be in english since this computer, borrowed from the nice folks at the Bellagio where were staying now, doesn't have a swedish keyboard.

So we're out taking a walk, looking at the Paris hotel which is made up to look just like paris (it looks like paris the same way crisps look like potatoes - flatter, more colorless but definitely the same shape if you hold it up to the sun), when we get a phone call from dad.
Are you at the hotel?
Great, 'cause its on fire. Can you go get Zofia?

So we go over there, speculating what happened, how much of it is on fire and such... dad told us it was the top three floors, but he's not really the premium source of information. When we get there, we see a huge billowing black cloud of judgment day smoke, fire jetting out the windows (we later found out it was actually just the windowframes that were burning, but it looked scary), helicopters, paramedics, cops closing off the Strip and megaphones going "Stay out of the street, go inside" over and over in a monotonous, warzone-like way. That got the adrenaline going, i'll tell ya that much! The top three floors were on fire at that point, and it later spread down to the top four floors... which is where we were staying. As far as we could tell from the ground, our corridor wasn't in the fire, but we do believe that all our stuff has been smoked to a fine hickory finish, and probably the sprinkler system went off and has as of now turned all our stuff into moldy, cooked mush. One such smoked, cooked item would be my new leather Jacket. Holy burnt leathery bacon, batman! Also my new three-piece suit. And all the stuff i've bought here. Like my new harley sweater, and a book. Okay, i'm just whining now, let's move on.

So after a bit of a hassle, we got relocated to the Bellagio ("Would you like the Bellagio or Treasure Island?" he asked us... is that even a question?) where our stay is complementary except for the minibar. And wow! The room is huuuuuuuge, the drapes are electronically controlled from the walls, the lighting is nice, the bathroom has a shower AND a bathtub instead of the two-in-one we had at the monte carlo, and they've set up a "crisis center" (americans, huh?) where they furnish us with food, they let us borrow these computers and if we go out shopping for underwear, deodorant, toothbrushes and stuff like that we just keep the receipt and they're gonna reimburse us. That's classy, that's taking responsibility. What would you get in sweden? "Talk to your insurance company, we don't pay unless the fire was started by renegade groundhogs with flamethrowers and you should keep extra toothpaste in your shoes just in case anyways". They're also going to reimburse us in full, they claim, but i don't know.

What else? Had breakfast at ihop. Took a walk in the wrong neighbourhood.
My only regret is that i wasn't in the casino and swope (past tense of "swipe", possibly it could be "swupt") ten million dollars in chips. We'll see when we get home.
If we get home. Woooooo...

1 kommentar:

Självaste Grönvik sa...

Något kanske jävligt klyshigt att säga men man är ju glad att ni är ok iaf. Och oroa dig inte Jakob, du kan få en Kriminalvårdsjacka utav mig - jag har stulit tillräckligt så jag börjar få lite utav ett lager nu ;P